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YUNYINROSE knot bag, bolso de mano, bolso de fiesta. bolso de mujer, bolso terciopelo, bolso con flecos


YUNYINROSE knot bag, bolso de mano, bolso de fiesta. bolso de mujer, bolso terciopelo, bolso con flecos

chat with ANDREA 

Today I went to meet Andrea, a 29 years-old girl, who´s the founder of MINTEYE BRAND- an urban-style t-shirt brand, and also a mother of 2 kids --a girl of 1 year and a half and a baby is about to be born in 3 months.

We knew each other on Instagram and at that moment even though we haven´t met in person, I could suddenly feel her energy and she´s just such an accessible person!  It is the second time for a meeting and she´s still as energetic as always despite her pregnancy. I just enjoy chatting with her, in such an effortless way.

M: Me

A: Andrea

M: How do you feel like being a mother? Is that magic for you?

A: You know every time when you see how she hugs you and kisses you and in the morning she crawls to your bed and kisses you, you will think everything is worth it. It´s a kinda...magic. You know, no matter how much you have heard about the pregnancy, you will never feel it until it really happens. It´s the most beautiful thing.

M: You are the founder of MINTEYE BRAND, tell me a bit about it.

A: MINTEYE BRAND was born to dress women in an effortless street style. I was about to design T-shirts which are cool, special but at the same time can be easily combined with everything. The inspiration comes from Asian culture or movies, or...simply avocado haha.

M: How do you carry your personal life with all this entrepreneurship process?

A: I started my brand when I had my first baby, and I realized there should be a priority. Finally, there´s always something more important than working, for example being a mother. There´s no rush, you can still wait until you finish this important journey. But I´m still a very hard-working mother :)

M: How do you get rid of stress?

A: Wine! Definitely! I love drinking wine, with my husband. We can chat and laugh while drinking, it just feels so good! Oh, how I miss wine!

M: We will certainly have a drink together after 3 months!



YUNYINROSE knot bag, bolso de mano, bolso de fiesta. bolso de mujer, bolso terciopelo, bolso con flecos
YUNYINROSE knot bag, bolso de mano, bolso de fiesta. bolso de mujer, bolso terciopelo, bolso con flecos
 YUNYINROSE knot bag, bolso de mano, bolso de fiesta. bolso de mujer, bolso terciopelo, bolso con flecos
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